Monday, August 27, 2007

Welcome to "Think Differently"

The Mission of "Think Differently" is to champion and teach the science of thinking like a designer.

"Think Differently" is for people who recognize that the greatest challenge humanity faces is NOT global warming or nuclear proliferation.

Think Differently" is for people who recognize that the greatest challenge humanity faces is that we are still trying to solve our problems using the same kind of thinking that created these problems in the first place (to paraphrase Einstein).. and that we must teach people the kind of thinking necessary to get us out of this mess: Systems Thinking.

"Think Differently" is for people who know that the current design of our world is based on the obsolete fundamental design assumption that there is not enough for everyone and that working to bring this flawed assumption to the attention of the public - coupled with a clear vision of what a world based on an "abundance mental model" design assumption could look like - is of absolutely critical importance if we are ever to create a world beyond war in our lifetimes.

If you have ever felt that you see connections and patterns between people and events that others don't, you probably have a natural ability to think the way Einstein said we must in order to solve society's problems. If you feel others don't understand you for that reason, take heart... and please watch the 1-minute video below. It will show you that you are in good company. Welcome!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the video link, Steve. Love to see those independent people who change the world. We need plenty more of, dare I say it? - us! If you think the Global Assembly software might of use for your own work, please let me know. We can set you up with a dialog of your own. -- Roger